“Given proper nurture, a person develops with the power and direction of a growing seed, synthesizing emergent abilities, aquired skills, and life experiences, into a whole, coherent expression of oneself in the world”
— Firma & Gila 2010
“[On visualisations] We seem to have access to more layers of our being: our unconscious part, our physical sensations, our emotions, and also to something higher - a higher wisdom. A whole new world opens up”
— Uta Gabbay
““One of the greatest causes of suffering and misguided action is fear. This can be individual anxiety or the collective fear which can carry a nation into war. The experience of the superconscious reality does away with fear, for any sense of fear is incompatible with a realization of the fullness and permanence of life. Another cause of error and wrong conduct is the urge to fight, which stems from the idea of separation, from aggression, and from feelings of hostility and hatred. In the calm atmosphere of the superconsious, however, such feelings cannot exist. Anyone whose consiousness has been enlarged, who feels a sense of participation, a sense of unity with all beings, can no longer fight. It seems absurd; it would be like fighting with oneself!””
— Roberto Assagioli
“The basic purpose of psychosynthesis is to release, or let us say, help to release, the energies of the Self. Prior to this the purpose is to help integrate, to synthesize, the individual around the personal self, and then later to effect the synthesis between the personal ego and the Self. Therefore, all techniques should be subordinated to this basic goal; they are not a static collection of tools, but can be used and modified at will by therapists and educators, provided they keep in mind the basic purpose of the therapy.”